Welcome to HiLives!

Who am I?

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What is HiLives?

HiLives is a platform that enables people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to find opportunities to study in several universities in the European Union.

Furthermore, HiLives enables these persons to find employment opportunities that match their needs.

This platform allows the registration of three different entities: people with IDD, Higher Education Institutions and companies.

Do you want to study?

Do you like Arts? Education? Languages? Technologies? Would you like to learn at a university? Register now!

Are you looking for a job?

If you would like to work in a company, try us out!

What is HiLives?

HiLives is a platform that enables people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to find opportunities to study in several universities in the European Union.

Furthermore, HiLives enables these persons to find employment opportunities that match their needs.

This platform allows the registration of three different entities: people with IDD, Higher Education Institutions and companies.

Do you want to study?

Do you like Arts? Education? Languages? Technologies? Would you like to learn at a university? Register now!

Are you looking for a job?

If you would like to work in a company, try us out!

Learn more about HiLives